

Model selection for leather sewing machines

Leather sewing machines are the main equipment used in the industrial production of leather products. There are thin and thick leather products, and depending on the thickness and hardness of the leather, different leather sewing machines are required.

Leather sewing machines are referred to in industrial production as high carriage, cylinder arm carriage, or medium or thick material sewing machines. Depending on the diameter of the cylinder arm, they are generally divided into small- and large-mouthed sewing machines with a cylinder diameter of around 50 mm or less.

Depending on the thickness and hardness of the material to be processed, the machine's ability to eat thickness and power, including feeding capacity, stability, and needle and thread coordination requirements are different, thus distinguishing between medium and thick material sewing machines, and thick material sewing machines.

There are several common types of leather goods such as wallets, handbags, luggage, shoes, belts, harnesses, etc. In the case of wallets, handbags and even complex backpacks, the current personal perception is that the thickness of the single layer of leather is generally below 2.5 mm and that these products should be covered by (normal) medium thickness sewing machines as far as industrial sewing machine design is concerned. Only the likes of shoes, belts, harnesses and even complex leather furniture are covered by heavy duty sewing machines.

This shows that the same leather product does not require the same equipment for sewing, and that different thicknesses and hardnesses of leather products require different equipment.

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Add: F/101, Building 1, Zone 3, Yongyuan Small and Micro Enterprise Park, No.555 Yongyuan Road, Lunan Street, Luqiao District, Taizhou City 





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